For the last four months I had the wonderful experience of
having a co-op as a partnership intern at the City of Toronto's Office of
Partnerships. There I was provided an open learning environment and
opportunities of working toe to toe with my superiors at work, as well as
having my voice heard in meetings and actually making an impact at my
At the city I realized there was a large audience of
businesses, communities, organizations, and individuals that needed to be
deeply considered in every action and decision made especially in a way that
was sensitive to one’s identity. In helping people and organizations becoming
deeply aware through research and direct communication was the only way to make
formidable impacts through city wide events, and programs. My superiors taught
me through prudent dialogue, and pragmatic questioning were the necessary steps
to reach the people we wanted to help and gain results.
For instance recognizing communities for their diversity and
bringing them together at the same time is a challenge because,
multiculturalism displays differences that we celebrate yet, there is a strong
need to celebrate the similarities these communities have. The program
Recipe for Community in association with Toronto Community Foundation had provided me the chance to meet and
interview the residents, the planning of their community celebrations, and help craft the recipe book with
their stories that connected everyone. The program brings neighbourhoods together through food,
as well outdoor beautification, and other activities to get people outside and
becoming one.
It was more than a work term for me, it was a chance to get
to know the City of Toronto on a deeper level and realize my career aspirations
of working with company partnerships and the community at large. I learned each
and everyone has a story and those stories are powerful in unifying everyone.